Is there new technology to push data from DB update to client [closed]

I built a live auction platform primarily in php/JQuery/JS/MySQL many years ago. It basically had a back end where i would poll the DB for any bids, if there was/were i would push the data to all users via PubNub mechanism. If there were no bids after 5 seconds, i would close that lot off and move onto the next one and update all users via the same PubNub mechanism.

I am now redesigning the platform to be fully automated. I am looking to implement web sockets as the connection method. I want to implement a trigger which fires when a new bid comes in then pushes the info to all users. I also want to create a stored procedure which automatically checks if news bids have come in in the last 5 seconds, if not, close the active lot and set new active lot to n+1. This would be wrapped in an event which fires every second. That seems pretty straight forward.

My question is, once the stored procedure has determined that its time to move onto a new lot OR a new bid has come in, how can i push that information to the user?

Most of the solutions out there seem to be 6-8 years old, and i was wondering if there is any new technology i can look into?

The obvious and somewhat antiquated way for me is to constantly poll from the users end, but this does not seem to be a scalable solution, or take advantage of new technology out there. Or is/does it?

I have looked at UDF/sys_exec() as a solution but a) a lot of people says its bad practise and its not designed to do that, and b) if i do execute a secondary .php script would there be a way to push the data to the user via the same websocket connection already established?

PS. I am also open to other options/opinions in terms of how the platform is logically designed/implemented.
