Solve a typing problem on a helper with TypeScript

I am having a problem on typing a helper. My goal is to replace null values in an object with an empty string while maintaining my key values relationships in typescript

// from 
    name: string | undefined
    url: string | null | undefined
    icon: string | null | undefined

// to
    name: string | undefined
    url: string | undefined
    icon: string | undefined

For this I use a mapObjIndexed from Ramda to replace each null by '' nothing complicated

const mapObjIndexed = (callBack, values) => {
        Object.entries(values).map(entries => [

Let’s show you my problem

import { mapObjIndexed } from "ramda"

// helper
const types = {
    isNull: (value: any): value is null => value === null

// test 1 => ts error
const nullToEmptyString = <T>(value: T | null): T | '' => types.isNull(value) ? '' : value

// test 2 => ts error
const nullToEmptyString2 = <T extends any>(value: T): T extends null ? '' : T => types.isNull(value) ? '' : value

// parser => ts error
const nullsToEmptyStrings = <T>(value: { [K in keyof T]: T[K] | null }): { [K in keyof T]: T[K] | '' } => mapObjIndexed(nullToEmptyString, value)

The only way to make it work is to force the return values with as

I can’t find any solution and my level in Typescript does not allow me to do it