Displaying values from a JavaScript dictionary in a HTML table

I am creating a webpage that uses a zip code to display map features from within that zip code. From the process of stripping the zip codes out of my map files I am several levels deep in if statements and functions. I need to get the final dictionary to display as one table on my HTML page. Right now because of the iteration it displays repeated values and completely fills up my page. How do I ensure the loop that is running is finished before looping through the final dictionary and writing it to the HTML page?

Here is my code, allFeaturesOne is a json dictionary object that is created before this set of loops it contains 150 fields. I’m also very much open to options that removes the nested functions I’ve created as I know its probably very ugly.

                  function searchFunction(value, index, array) {
                    var zipString = value.properties.ZIPCODE;
                    console.log (zipString)
                   var shortZip = zipString.slice(0, zipString.length-4);
                    console.log("slice String ", shortZip)
                    var strZip = ZipCode.toString();
                    if (shortZip == strZip) {
                      console.log("ZipStore is ", zipStore)
                      function showData(value, index, array) {
                       let resultsArray = {"Name" : value.properties.BUSINESSNA,
                        "Address":value.properties.ADDRESS1, "City":value.properties.CITY
                        console.log('results array ', resultsArray)
                        for(let k in resultsArray) {
 <div class = 'layer-rows'>
                <div id = 'zipResults'>
                  <table id="target" border="1"></table>