If you put a v-model in a child-component, How to do two-way data-binding with parent-component

I am writing the vuesax framework.
For input, the value value can only be obtained by using the v-model.
In my case, I have to use it in child-component.
If there is a v-model in child-component, is there a way to do two-way data-binding with parent-component?

enter image description here


child component

  <vs-input type="text" v-model="input1" @input="$emit('update:input1', $event.target.value)" :value="input1" placeholder="input1"/>
  <vs-input type="text" v-model="input2" @input="$emit('update:input2', $event.target.value)" :value="input2" placeholder="input2"/>
 export default {
  props: {
   input1: {
    type: String,
    default: '',
   input2: {
    type: String,
    default: '',

parent component

   <div class="bottom" @click="handleSubmit">

 import Test2 from '@/Test/Test2.vue'
 import { createPost } from '@/services/posts'
 import { ref } from "vue";
 export default {
  components: { Test2 },
  setup() {
   const inuput1 = ref("");
   const inuput2 = ref("");
   return { inuput1, inuput2 };
  inject: ['GStore'],
  data() {
   return {
    userData: this.GStore.session,
  methods: {
   handleSubmit(e) {
    const id = this.userData.id
    const formdata = new FormData()
    formdata.append('userId', id)
    formdata.append('inuput1', this.inuput1)
    formdata.append('inuput2', this.inuput2)
    if (this.mainoutput) formdata.append("image", this.mainoutput);
    createPost(formdata).then((res) => {
     res.user.name = this.userData.name