Oracle Apex send an Calender Invite as an Appointment not ICS attachment

I would like to send a calendar invitation via Oracle Apex.
There are already many tutorials explaining how to send the calendar entry as an ICS attachment. In my case I would like to try that the recipient receives a direct invitation.
So far I have used the APEX_MAIL extension.

Here is a part of the Code i use: (That is the way i can send the Appointment as ICS Attatchment)

  if l_body is not null then
        l_mail_id := apex_mail.send(
            --p_to       =>  rec.creator_email,
            p_to       =>  t_an_liste,
            p_cc     => '',
            p_bcc    => '',
            --p_bcc    => '',
            p_from     => '[email protected]', 
            p_body     => l_body,
            p_body_html => l_body,
            p_subj     => l_title);
     if rec.SHOP_name is not null then
        if rec.HYPERLINK Like '' then
            v_location := 'Microsoft Teams-Besprechung';
            v_location := rec.HYPERLINK;
        end if;
     l_cal_1 := APEX_MAIL_CALENDAR('Terminbuchung ('||rec.SHOP_name||')',l_body,rec.TS_OPEN,rec.TS_CLOSE,v_location,15,'N');
     apex_mail.add_attachment (p_mail_id         => l_mail_id,
                            p_attachment      => l_cal_1,
                            p_filename        => 'Termineintrag.ics',
                            --Name of the ICS file
                            p_mime_type       => 'application/hbs-ics'
     end if;   
    end if;

Does anyone know a solution for my problem?
Thank you!

Lukas 🙂