Setting up pre answered results in Calculated Fields Form plugin for wordpress

I’m struggling to work out how to select multiple options to result in a predefined answer.

An example I want to do this but am not sure how to write it for it to work.
IF(fieldname1 equals 1 + fieldname9 equals 1 + fieldname14 equals 1 fieldname9 answer is 10

I’m trying to create something like this but slightly different

I’m using the Calculated Fields Form plugin for WordPress.

Given a vial containing “X” amount of peptide powder that is then reconstituted in “Y” amount of sterile water, how many units or ticks on a syringe with volume “Z” must I draw the liquid up to reach the desired dose of “D”?

I have all the formulas for the end results its just getting the correct code to be able to finish this project