Unable to change the URL through javascript?

I have one javascript file in that file the following code is there. So, how can I change the URL that constructs by this line “+ “/organizations#http://vivoweb.org/ontology/core#**AcademicDepartment**’ alt='”” in the last of the lines of the code that I paste here to /organizations#http://vivoweb.org/ontology/core#**school**? what is the code to replace this URL? I don’t want to change the code in this file. Is there any way to change the URL without changing the code in this file? or I can link another js file too. What is the code to replace this link?
I tried this method How to replace a specific href link using Javascript? but was unsuccessful to change the URL.

function buildAcademicDepartments() {
    var deptNbr = academicDepartments.length;
    var html = "<ul>";
    var index = Math.floor((Math.random()*deptNbr)+1)-1;

    if ( deptNbr == 0 ) {
        html = "<ul style='list-style:none'><p><li style='padding-top:0.3em'>"
               + i18nStrings.noDepartmentsFound + "</li></p></ul>";
    else if ( deptNbr > 6 ) {
        //if there are more than 6 departments, we want to choose a random subset and display
        //and also to make sure the same department is not repeated twice
        var indicesUsed = {};//utilizing a hash since easier
        var indicesCount = 0;
        while(indicesCount < 6) {
            index = Math.floor((Math.random()*deptNbr)+1)-1;
            //if the index has already been used, this will be true
            var indexFound = (index in indicesUsed);
            //Check to see if this index hasn't already been employed
            if(!indexFound) {
                //if this index hasn't already been employed then utilize it
                 html += "<li><a href='" + urlsBase + "/individual?uri="
                 + academicDepartments[index].uri + "'>"
                 + academicDepartments[index].name + "</a></li>";
                 //add this index to the set of already used indices
                 indicesUsed[index] = true;
                 //keep count
    else {
        for ( var i=0;i<deptNbr;i++) {
            html += "<li><a href='" + urlsBase + "/individual?uri="
                    + academicDepartments[i].uri + "'>"
                    + academicDepartments[i].name + "</a></li>";
    if ( deptNbr > 0 ) {
        html += "</ul><ul style='list-style:none'>"
                + "<li style='font-size:0.9em;text-align:right;padding: 6px 16px 0 0'><a href='"
                + urlsBase
                + "/organizations#http://vivoweb.org/ontology/core#AcademicDepartment' alt='"
                + i18nStrings.viewAllDepartments + "'>"
                + i18nStrings.viewAllString + "</a></li></ul>";