4 Effective Email Spam Filter Tools

It is amazing how much spam ends up at my work email address. At least I’m assuming it’s spam—I can’t imagine that that many Eastern European women really want to marry me. The email spam filter at my work does a pretty good job, but it certainly doesn’t catch everything.

I never get spam in my personal Gmail account (thanks, Google!). And while I don’t spend a lot of time deleting spam from my work email, I do have to do it. – and it annoys me. It annoys me a lot. Especially the offensive, raunchy stuff. In the three minutes or so it has taken me to write this, three spam emails have appeared in my junk email folder. Sheesh.

Depending on the email service you use, there are ways to change your settings to strengthen or weaken your spam filter. Another way to help is to download spam filtering software onto your computer. There are lots of these filters out there; here are my suggestions for saving yourself some time and grief:

  • POPFile: Works for Windows and Mac
  • SPAMfighter: Windows only. The most recent version works with Outlook 2010 and Thunderbird 3.1
  • MailWasher PRO: Windows only. After 9 years, this software has gotten an update this year
  • SpamSieve: Mac only. It’s not the coolest looking interface, but it works

Do you have a spam problem? Do you have spam filtering software that you really like? Please share in the comments.

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