How to Build Silverlight Video Players with Expression Encoder

The Silverlight category over at Activetuts+ has been steadily gaining momentum over the last couple of months. However, the world of RIA’s covers a broad range of subjects, so we thought it fitting that Nettuts+ readers enjoyed a slice of the pie too. Dig into this screencast and, if you’re interested, pay a visit to ActiveTuts+ for plenty more Silverlight content when you’re done!

What’s Covered?

This is a quick look at how to use MediaElement in Expression Blend to form the starting point of a custom video/audio player. We’ll also look at how Expression Encoder can take any video and generate a Silverlight video player from it with no code including;

  • different templates for your player
  • playlists
  • chapters
  • offline support
  • caption support
  • overlays

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Other Awesome Silverlight Tuts

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Useful Links

Mike Taulty Microsoft (UK): [email protected]:

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