Enum of types in TypeScript

I am currently in the process of converting a project to TypeScript. I have this Algorithm object which contains a getRun function and an edgesRepresentation string which contains information about how the edges are represented ("adjacencyList" | "adjacencyMatrix" | "edgeList", though only "adjacencyList" is being used now). I do not want to make the IAlgorithm interface a generic for the edgesRepresentation if possible (as I see no reason for the Algorithm to be a generic just because its run function is one too) so I’m preferably looking for a more dynamic solution. The problem is, when IAlgorithm has a getRun function that returns a run function, the run function (which I have no problem making a generic) needs to have assumptions about the way edges are represented, but those are different for different edgesRepresentation objects. I want to have something similar to this:

interface IAlgorithm {
    getRun: (arg0: {considers: Considers, setIsDone: (arg0?: boolean)=>void}) => IRunType;

export interface IRunType<T extends EdgesRepresentationType> {
    (nodesIds: List<string>, edgeList: T):void;

type AdjacencyListType = Map<string, Map<string, typeof EdgeRecord>>;

export enum EdgesRepresentationType {

Here EdgeRecord is just an immutable Record containing information about an edge.

Something like that would be good as well:

interface IAlgorithm<T extends EdgesRepresentationType> {
    getRun: (arg0: {considers: Considers, setIsDone: (arg0?: boolean)=>void}) => IRunType<T>;

export type ITopSort = IAlgorithm<EdgesRepresentationType.adjacencyList>;

export interface IRunType<T extends EdgesRepresentationType> {
    (nodesIds: List<string>, edgeList: T):void;

type AdjacencyListType = Map<string, Map<string, typeof EdgeRecord>>;

export enum EdgesRepresentationType {

I just cannot find a way for this to work, although my TypeScript knowledge is fairly limited.