How to convert an array of strings into an array of objects with non index keys and dynamic values in JavaScript

I am attempting to take multiple (separate) arrays of strings and convert them into an array of objects with predefined keys. By predefined keys I mean Not using 0: "John", 1: "Doe" etc…

How would I do this?

Multiple Arrays of strings

    "123 Fake Street",

    "456 Fake Street",

Desired result

// The keys are pre-set and won't change 
// so this will be used as a template object to be populated with different values depending on the array of strings from above.

const myObject = {
    first: '',
    last: '',
    street: '',
    city: '',
    state: ''

// I just want to fill the object with the array values above like so
const myObjects = [
        first: 'John',
        last: 'Doe',
        street: '123 Fake Street',
        city: 'Chicago',
        state: 'IL'
        first: 'Jane',
        last: 'Doe',
        street: '345 Fake Street',
        city: 'Chicago',
        state: 'IL'

There can be any number of arrays of strings.

Thank you.