How to pre-select the checkbox items coming from JSON data in React Component?

I need help in the react code. I am displaying the Checkboxlist of items using api. I need help in pre-select the Checkboxes on Page load. My JSON file contains the data having IsAssigned True/False. If isAssigned is true for that item, item checkbox will be pre-checked on page load.

Please find the react code. Please help me how this can be achieved. Please find my json data:

import React from "react";

export class SetDescItems extends React.Component { 

       constructor(props) {


             this.state = {

                    ProdDescrlist: [],



       componentDidMount() {



async getProdDescriptions() {

             const url = "/api/getDescriptions”;

             await fetch(url)

                    .then(response => response.json())

                    .then((data) => {


                                 ProdDescrlist: data,

                                 loading: false




       render() {

             return (


                           <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} >                          

<ul style={{ listStyle: 'none' }}>


                      (, index) => {

                       return (

                       <li  key={index}>

                             <input type="checkbox" id={item.ProdDescription_ID}

                           value={item.DescriptionTextPlain} onChange={this.handleChange} />








  <button type="submit" >Submit</button>









{“ProdDescription_ID”:2864,”isAssigned”:”FALSE”,”DisplaySequence”:0,”DescriptionTextPlain”:”A2 “},




import React from “react”;

export class SetDescItems extends React.Component {

   constructor(props) {


         this.state = {

                ProdDescrlist: [],



   componentDidMount() {



async getProdDescriptions() {

         const url = "/api/getDescriptions”;

         await fetch(url)

                .then(response => response.json())

                .then((data) => {


                             ProdDescrlist: data,

                             loading: false




   render() {

         return (


                       <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} >                          

                  (, index) => {

                   return (

                   <li  key={index}>

                         <input type="checkbox" id={item.ProdDescription_ID}

                       value={item.DescriptionTextPlain} onChange={this.handleChange} />










