How to remove Object keys from an array? [closed]

I’ve ended up with some messy code with an array inside an array, with a redunant object key, however I don’t know how to correct the format. Can anyone help me?

    { votes: [Array], impactfulUser: '621c0c5d1d0359d2cf92a16f' }
    { votes: [Array], impactfulUser: '62a7d90d08e1756a5eac83c1' }
    { votes: [Array], impactfulUser: '607e33d3a5059e001920db69' }

Above is how I’ve ended up with the data, but how would I go about turning that into the below segment. Ie. I don’t want to have an array inside an array for no reason, and the object key is redundant. I’ve tried using Object.keys and Object.entries, but it keeps getting more and more nested.

        votes: [Array], 
        impactfulUser: '621c0c5d1d0359d2cf92a16f'
        votes: [Array], 
        impactfulUser: '621c0c5d1d0359d2cf92a16f'
        votes: [Array], 
        impactfulUser: '621c0c5d1d0359d2cf92a16f'

Any help would be great.