Datatables checkboxes start with some checkboxes checked

Can someone help me setup the Checkboxes extension for Datatables to start with some some checkboxes checked? The documentation on this matter can be found here, and although I’ve done everything that’s required, it still fails to do what’s supposed to do.

Basically I’m passing an array of the IDs that I want to be checked upon pageload, and I’m checking the ID of each row to check if it’s contained in the array, but still all rows start unchecked.

jQuery(function($) {

    ordering: false,
    dom: '<"#upper-controls"lf>t<"#lower-controls"ip>',
    lengthMenu: [
      [10, 50, 100, -1],
      [10, 50, 100, 'All']
    initComplete: function(settings) {
      var api = this.api();
      var selected = [387, 386, 385, 384, 383, 382, 381, 380, 379, 378];

        api.rows(function(idx, data, node) {
          return (selected.indexOf(data[2]) >= 0) ? true : false;
    columnDefs: [{
      targets: 2,
      checkboxes: {
        selectAllPages: false,


You can find a working fiddle here. Everything is working fine, except for the desired rows selection at startup.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. I’m struggling with this for 2 days already…