React.js i have Bug in prod but not in dev mode, can you help me

I’ve been having a problem for 3 days now, and I don’t really understand what can cause this bug, can you help me?

Here is the problem,
I have created a small game(react.js) where 5 cards are displayed at each reload, these 5 cards have a score of points each which are cumulated each time, which gives a score of all the cards, then the score of each “hand” which is cumulated.

In development mode, everything works correctly, but if I build and put it on a cdn (netlify), the score logic doesn’t work…

Prod link (bug) :

Github repo link (dev mode work fine) :

If you have ever encountered this kind of bug, or if you think you have a solution for me, I’m interested.

If needed, tell me if you want the link to the source code repo to help me solve this problem.

Thanks in advance!