How do I prevent the anchor tag from overwriting my CSS style

I’m very new to all this. I’m trying to make my image into a link using the anchor tag but doing so seems to ignore the previous style I had for the image and I’m not sure why.
So my CSS looks like this:

/* Element */
*, *::after, *::before{
    box-sizing: border-box;

/* Variable */
     --handle-size: 3rem;
     --img-gap: .25rem;

   margin: 0;

   display: flex;
   justify-content: center;
   overflow: hidden;

     --items-per-screen: 4;
     --slider-index: 0;
     display: flex;
     flex-grow: 1;
     margin: 0 var(--img-gap);
     transform: translateX(calc(var(--slider-index) * -100%));
     transition: transform 500ms ease-in-out;

.slider > img {
     flex: 0 0 calc(100% /  var(--items-per-screen));
     max-width: calc(100% / var(--items-per-screen));
     aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;
     padding: var(--img-gap);
     border-radius: 1rem;

and my images are inside of a div which without the anchor displays correctly:

<div class = "slider">
    <img src="Icons/schitts.jpg" stlye="container" alt = "Schitts Creek">
    <img src="Icons/familyguy.jpg" alt = "Family Guy">
    <img src="Icons/gameofthrones.jpg" alt = "Game Of Thrones">
    <img src="Icons/sopranos.jpg" alt = "The Sopranos">
    <img src="Icons/southpark.jpg" alt = "South Park">
    <img src="Icons/prisonbreak.jpg" alt = "Prison Break">
    <img src="Icons/curbyourenthusiasm.jpg" alt = "Curb Your Enthusiasm">
    <img src="Icons/americandad.jpg" alt = "American Dad">
    <img src="Icons/sinister.jpg" alt = "Sinister">
    <img src="Icons/superbad.jpg" alt = "Superbad">
    <img src="Icons/hangover.jpg" alt = "The Hangover">
    <img src="Icons/midsommar.jpg" alt = "Midsommar">

When I add the anchor tag between an image, it ignores the previous styles I had while the other images without the anchor tag remain in the correct style.
How do I keep the layout of everything the same while allowing the image to contain a link?

Without Anchor tag

With Anchor tag around first image