I’m a graphic designer/ developer, I build using HTML/CSS. I want to start using wordpress for all my sites, but have little experience of it and no time to do the learning curve.
I am looking for a worpdress specialist who can convert my HTML/CSS into worpdress themes, install it on my server, occasionally write custom code, or find plugins and functionality that I need.
I’ll be starting off with a specific project (that I havn’t built yet)
so please look at http://www.bellingenvalleylodge.com.au/ and bid on converting that site into wordpress theme, including
a) rotating image banner on homepage
b) lightroom type gallery (on the accommodation page)
c) booking form
Please also indicate cost of doing the same from a PSD so I can compare. And include your usual rate for doing maintenance. (This will grow as I do more and more sites, of course)
I design 6-10 sites per year.
Please supply examples of your wordpress themes/conversions
thanks 🙂