How do I write a code to make a function run randomly every 10 minutes in react js

Suppose, right now it is 1:04 PM. First, 10 mins slot is 1:04 PM to 1:14 PM, the screenshot will be taken at any time randomly between 1:04 PM and 1:14 PM and once we reach 1:14 PM a new slot is from 1:14 PM to 1:24 PM and a random screenshot is taken between 1:14 PM and 1:24 PM. How do I achieve this, I am a beginner and struggling to build the logic required.

I want to make changes to setTimeout to make it execute randomly any time in a span of 10 minutes, just like how Upwork screen tracker works.

Here is my code.

const uploadFiles = (img) => {
 // logic
const storageRef = ref(storage, 

uploadString(storageRef, img, 
 "data_url").then((snapshot) => {
   console.log("Uploaded a data_url string!");
let newTimeoutId;
const screenshot = async () => {

const newTimeoutId = setTimeout(async () => {
  const screenshotData = await 

const string = new 

const img = `data:image/png;base64,${string}`;
 }, 600000);

const stopScreenshot = () => {