How do you modify an object multiple times and return it in a spread operator?

I’m working in React. I’m using useState to hold an object in state. To make one change to the object and return it I can use the spread operator like so …

 const [formWizard, setFormWizard] = useState(FORM_CONTROLS.steps[index]);


 const addSection = section => {

   setFormWizard(wizard => ({
     wizard: formWizard.controls[14].group.push(...subjectAddressCopy.slice(0, 5))

But what if I need to make multiple changes? I’ve tried putting a comma between them, use &&, and wrapping it in an object (though I think that would change the data structure). In either event known of those things worked.

   setFormWizard(wizard => ({
      wizard: formWizard.controls[14].group.push(...subjectAddressCopy.slice(0, 5),
      formWizard.controls[14].trash) // how can I also make this change?

How can I make two changes to formWizard and return it?