bcrypt.compare isn’t using the arguments I’m providing

I have a function that compares the email and password of the one provided on a sign in page. The function finds one document in a database with the provided email, then compares the password using bcrypt.compare(). The only problem is I keep getting the error UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: data and hash arguments required. Below is my function, any ideas why I’m getting the error? I have a feeling it has something to do with bcrypt trying to compare the passwords before the document is found:

const validateLogin = () => {
        Dev.findOne({ email: providedEmail }).then(
            async (devBody) => {

                if (
                    await bcrypt.compare(
                ) {
                    console.log("That's them!");

Note: providedEmail and providedPassword are both variables assigned to req.body which gets the inputs provided by the user.