In Vue, setting props default value to computed property

  props: {
    rules: {
        type: Array,
        required: false,
        default: () => [
            (file) => !file
                || file.size < 10000000
                || this.getJsonDataByLocale.less_than_10mb_message,
            (file) => !file
                || ACCEPTED_FILE_TYPES.includes(file.type)
                || this.getJsonDataByLocale.wrong_file_message,

This is generic component. I’m trying to set rules default to a computed property. ‘this.getJsonDataByLocale’ is a getter computed property.

It seems to be like as Vue life cycle renders props earlier than the computed property so it doesn’t know how to fetch the data from the computed property.

I really need to use ‘this.getJsonDataByLocale’, as this error msg needs to be a dynamic value.

Anyone can give me some advices?