Absolutely Zero Idea on the Use of Bounding Spheres

I have been learning Javascript for some time now, and have been working on a 3D role playing game based off of a calculator game I created years ago. What I am currently trying to do is create bounding spheres so that when the player comes near a certain physics object (and has their camera pointed at it) then they can pick it up by pressing “E.” This is simply for entertainment purposes; it would hold the item in the player’s field of view until they press “E” again, at which point the item would drop to the ground. Think of the Half-Life games. Only problem is…

I have no idea how to use bounding spheres.
Ok, so that might be a little exaggerated. I do have the basic idea of them down. But implementing them, using methods for them, and figuring out where in the script to put them is currently beyond me. I have looked everywhere. I have found NO ONE who has asked this question before. I was hoping someone could help me figure out where my code went wrong?
Here is the “distance checking” script for the object.

var spherecube = new pc.BoundingSphere();
DistanceCheck.prototype.initialize = function() {


DistanceCheck.prototype.update = function(dt) {


And then the code for the player:

var spherePlayer = new pc.BoundingSphere();

DistanceCheckPlayer.prototype.initialize = function() {


DistanceCheckPlayer.prototype.update = function(dt) {

When running it, there is an error which says:
” Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘intersectsBoundingSphere’) “
At that moment, I realised that I don’t really know what I am doing with the bounding spheres.
Again, at this point I really just need help with the bounding sphere intersection problem (although some pointers on checking the camera angle would be nice too!). After that, I should be able to get through the rest of it.
