How to call useQuery fetch method for differenct API calls in one functional component?

How to call useQuery fetch method for differenct API calls in one functional component?
I am using React-query in my project. I use useQuery() to fetch data from API and I made two get api calls in one functional component. One for get products and second for get product details.
I use refetch function in useEffect to call the refetch function only once. and I also want to use this function for my second api call but I got error.
Here is my code:

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

     let {refetch}=useQuery(
    ["product", user],
    async (user) => {
      return await getProducts(user?.queryKey[1]?.jwtToken);
      enabled: false,
      onSuccess: (data) => {

This api call get the data from db and it works perfectly. But I face problem to fetch data from 2nd api i.e getProductDetails
Here is the code for getDetailsProduct

 {refetch } = useQuery(
    ["detailProduct", user],
    async (user) => {
      return await getDetailsProduct(user?.queryKey[1]?.jwtToken, "6213738798dbb2ecf4c23ddf");
      enabled: false,
      onSuccess: (data) => {
        // console.log(data)

it provides me an error. How can I handle this error. kindly help me out.