How can I convert JSON returned from AWS command line by javascript and get lastRun in Cucumber

I have declaration step by javascript like this

When('get schedule and state from {string} of batch {string}', function (awsProfile, batchName) {
  batchName = getVal(batchName, this)
  awsProfile = getVal(awsProfile, this)
  const args = ['events', 'describe-rule', '--profile', awsProfile, '--name', batchName]
  const res = runAWS(args)
  return res

The res is return result like this

stdout: '{rn' + 
' "Name": "time",rn' + 
' "ScheduleExpression": "12:00",rn' + 
' "State": "VN",rn' '}rn' 
status: 0 

and then I just like to make like a json not have include “nr” or “‘”. I put more step is

When('get schedule and state from {string} of batch {string}', function (awsProfile, batchName) {
      batchName = getVal(batchName, this)
      awsProfile = getVal(awsProfile, this)
      const args = ['events', 'describe-rule', '--profile', awsProfile, '--name', batchName]
      const res = runAWS(args)
      const getJson = JSON.parse(res.stdout) //NEW LINE
      return res

And the result is

      Name: 'time',
      ScheduleExpression: '12:00',
      State: 'VN'

It’s not like a json what I need, as I need is:

          "Name": "time",
          "ScheduleExpression": "12:00",
          "State": "VN"

How can I make change like that, and set assign a name for that json like this:

info {
       "Name": "time",
       "ScheduleExpression": "12:00",
       "State": "VN"

Please help me, I need to get this result and save it in a file.
this function I make in a nother file, and called by Cucumber.

Thank you so much