React – property is displayed as formik object

my property ‘status’ is displayed as formik object and I’m not sure why and how to solve this, here is my code:

const handleSubmit = async (formValues, status = ProductStatusesEnum.Completed) => {

      const product = { ...formValues, ...status };

      console.log('product', product);

P.S I have tried displaying it without spread operator but it’s the same.

On the image below there is result of console.log and one of my properties is status also, and value of status is displayed as a formik object which is weird to me 🙁

enter image description here

as mentioned in code above, if status is not passed, it has default value of enum ‘Completed’. And I did not implement code where status should be passed so my code still is pretty simple and I’m invoking ‘handleSubmit‘ like this:

 return (
      {({ values, errors, touched, isSubmitting, setFieldValue, setTouched }) => (