PHP – Optimise read write time

I am reading 200MB of CSV file with 1344953 rows then filtering and writing into other 18 files and all within 25 seconds, but someone in my class has done it under 8 seconds.

Here is my code:

$sid = array (
    "188" => "188",
    "203" => "203",
    "206" => "206",
    "209" => "209",
    "213" => "213",
    "215" => "215",
    "228" => "228",
    "270" => "270",
    "271" => "271",
    "375" => "375",
    "395" => "395",
    "452" => "452",
    "447" => "447",
    "459" => "459",
    "463" => "463",
    "481" => "481",
    "500" => "500",
    "501" => "501"
$Separator = ',';
array_map('unlink', glob("data_*.csv"));
$fp = fopen("fragment_org.csv", "r");
while (($line = stream_get_line($fp, 0, "n")) !== false) {
    $data = explode(";",$line);
    $siteID = $data[4];
    $ts = $data[0];
    $nox = $data[1];
    $no2 = $data[2];
    $no = $data[3];
    $pm10 = $data[5];
    $nvpm10 = $data[6];
    $vpm10 = $data[7];
    $nvpm25 = $data[8];
    $pm25 = $data[9];
    $vpm25 = $data[10];
    $co = $data[11];
    $o3 = $data[12];
    $so2 = $data[13];
    $loc = $data[17];
    $latlong = $data[18];
    $latlong_ext = explode(",",$latlong);
    $lat = $latlong_ext[0];
    $long = $latlong_ext[1];
    $wrr = array( $siteID, $ts, $nox, $no2, $no, $pm10, $nvpm10, $vpm10, $nvpm25, $pm25, $vpm25, $co, $o3, $so2, $loc, $lat, $long );
    if($siteID == $sid[$siteID]) {
        $fip = fopen('data_'.$siteID.'.csv', 'a');
        if(!$nox == "" || !$co == "") {
            fputs($fip, implode($Separator,$wrr).PHP_EOL);

Much of the time is taking when writing to multiple files i.e., $fip becasue it is working faster if I am writing everything to a single file.

Can someone kindly guide me on how to optimize it more. Someone said to me this, “Simply read a line and write it out to a specific file. Avoid opening and closing lots of files repeatedly (very time consuming).” , but I am doing that.

Here is what the CSV file that I am reading looks like:
First 5 lines from CSV

Thanks for your time and looking into it.