d3-voronoi-map not draw the path

I tried to make a d3 voronoi map using this plugin with svelte

generally I’m following from this block

I debugging the step one by one, the <svg> attribute are changing, the <g> are appended, but likely the <path> “d” attribute is not drawing.


    import Voronoi from './Voronoi.svelte'

<Voronoi />


    import * as d3 from 'd3'
    import { voronoiMapSimulation } from 'd3-voronoi-map'
    import { onMount } from 'svelte'

    let el;

    var svgWidth = 300,
        svgHeight = 300,

    const data = Array(50) // array of random weight data
        .map(() => {
            return {
            name: 'Lorem Ipsum',
            weight: Math.random() * 10,
            color: 'indianred'

    var simulation = voronoiMapSimulation(data)
        .weight((d) => { return d.weight})
        .clip([[0,0], [0,height], [width, height], [width,0]])
    var state = simulation.state(); 

    while (!state.ended) {
        state = simulation.state();

    var polygons = state.polygons;

    console.log(polygons)                       // logging the polygons data
    console.log("M" + polygons.join(",") + "z") // logging the join() function

    onMount(() => {
        let container = d3.select(el) //all this part is working just fine
        .attr('width', svgWidth)
        .attr('height', svgHeight)
        .style('background-color', 'steelblue')
        .classed('cells', true)

        let cells = container.select('.cells')

        .append('path') // no path are appended
        .classed('cell', true)
        .attr("d", (d) => { return "M" + d.join(",") + "z"; }) // this is not working
        .style("stroke", "blue")
        .style("fill", (d) => {
                return d.site.originalObject.data.originalData.color;
            }) // fill color not working, I think because the path isn't drawing

<svg bind:this={el}>

I tried to logged the polygons and the join() and it’s all works

When I logged the console.log("M" + polygons.join(",") + "z"), I found some e- in the middle of it, but I don’t know if it’s a problem

raw joined data:
