Write the function sudaLicha which
It will accept 1 argument – max. Number.
It will return numbers from 1 to the specified maximum with information on whether the number is even or odd, so e.g.
sudaLicha (5); this long string is returned:
Number 1 is odd
Number 2 is even
Number 3 is odd
Number 4 is even
Number 5 is odd
Number 1 is odd
Number 2 is even
Number 3 is odd
Number 4 is even
Number 5 is odd
You can assume that the input is a number, you don’t have to test meaningless values
However, if the number is small (less than 1), return an empty string
To separate a sequence of lines n added to the end of each line
Use the% (modulo) operator to calculate even / odd
If you can handle the solution with a loop, try it with while and vice versa – both are possible and fine.
I need help with this task