http.response.status_code not comming in apm logs for php

I installed APM-agent for PHP in elasticbeanstalk using .ebextension and logs are coming as well but in my other agent for different services I get http.response.status_code field due to which I’m able to generate alerts if there is some 5xx or 4xx in the logs but when I installed APM-agent for PHP I’m not able to see this field, and here’s the step I installed the apm-php agent –

Download the agent source from

  1. cd src/ext
  2. phpize
  3. CFLAGS=”-std=gnu99″ ./configure –enable-elastic_apm
  4. make clean
  5. make
  6. sudo make install

So, is there any way I can enable this, or do we have another field that gives us the status code in logs? Please help me because I’m stuck for a long time.

Thank you in advance