How do I invoke a function when using inquirer?

I’m building a node CLI ‘battleship’ game. Initially, a user enters coordinates which are stored in the variables xCoordinate and xCoordinate . This is handled using inquirer :


import inquirer from 'inquirer'

//write a function that takes in user coordinates
const question1 = [
    type: "input",
    name: "x-coordinate",
    message: "Please enter the first of two coordinates",
    type: "input",
    name: "y-coordinate",
    message: "Please enter the last coordinate",

  let xCoordinate;
  let yCoordinate;

  inquirer.prompt(question1).then((answers) => {
    let xCoordinate = answers["x-coordinate"];
    let yCoordinate = answers["y-coordinate"];
      `You have entered [${xCoordinate}, ${yCoordinate}] as your coordinates`

I have a function screenForShips thats screens the inputed coordinates against a matrix containing the “ships”, and tells the user whether they have a hit or not.

So my question is this – in inquirer, how do you invoke the function screenForShips after receiving input from a user?