Looping not work on chrome.process.onUpdated.addListener Chrome Extension API

i have a chrome extension code that will give info about cpu usage of all chrome process (Fired each time the Task Manager updates its process statistics, providing the dictionary of updated Process objects, indexed by process ID.) when im on an active tab

the code

chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener((tabs) => {
    let tabId = tabs.tabId;

    chrome.tabs.get(tabId, (tab) => {

    chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changeInfo, tab) => {
        if(changeInfo.status == "complete"){

    chrome.processes.onUpdated.addListener((x) => {

it will result this
enter image description here

enter image description here

the problem is i want to get only specific process where its cpu usage is above 500 and get the osProcessId for further action. i tried to do validation by using for loop but it return nothing. in other word, maybe my question is how to do validation on function that always do update everytime

specific process that have cpu load above 500
enter image description here

validation i tried to add to chrome.processes.onUpdated.addListener

chrome.processes.onUpdated.addListener((x) => {
        for(var i=0;i<x;i++){
            if(x[i].cpu >= 500){