How to display extJS grid columns after each record, not only on the top

How to display extJS columns after each record not on the top.
I am grouping extJS grid with three columns and grouping is working fine.

Here is the code and we can test in fiddler as well.

    name : 'Fiddle',

    launch : function() {
        var store = Ext.create('', {
            fields:['name', 'seniority', 'department', 'sort', 'groupsort'],
            grouper: {
                 groupFn: function(item) {
                    return 'department: ' + item.get('department');

            // Have members of each group sorted on this field
            sorters: [{
                property: 'name'

            data: {'employees':[
                { "name": "Michael Scotts",  "seniority": 7, "department": "Management", "groupsort" : "2" },
                { "name": "Dwight Schrute", "seniority": 2, "department": "Sales", "groupsort" : "1" },
                { "name": "Jim Halpert",    "seniority": 3, "department": "Sales", "groupsort" : "1" },
                { "name": "Kevin Malone",   "seniority": 4, "department": "Accounting", "groupsort" : "3" },
                { "name": "Angela Martin",  "seniority": 5, "department": "Accounting", "groupsort" : "3" }
            proxy: {
                type: 'memory',
                reader: {
                    type: 'json',
                    rootProperty: 'employees'

        Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
            title: 'Employees',
            columns: [
                { text: 'Name',     dataIndex: 'name' },
                { text: 'Seniority', dataIndex: 'seniority' },
                { text: 'Department', dataIndex: 'department', sortable: true }
            features: [{
                ftype: 'grouping'
            renderTo: Ext.getBody()

My requierment is I want show columns not on the top but after the grouping for each record. Is there any workaround for that.