Python __repr__ method: writing a JS equivalent?

I am working through a short beginner’s course on Algorithms and Data Structures. The instructor’s language is Python; I am converting the code examples to JavasScript. So far, so good.

I am dealing with Linked Lists. The instructor tests the code using Python’s repr() method; after days of trial and error, I have a working JS solution, but it is not exactly the same as the Python code. I would like to know if there is a better way of implementing the JS code, which I provide, along with the Python code.


# class LinkedList and its methods are presumed to exist

def __repr__(self):
  nodes = []
  current = self.head

  while current:
    if current is self.head:
      nodes.append("[Head: %s]" %
    elif current.next_node is None:
      nodes.append("[Tail: %s]" %
      nodes.append("[%s]" %

    current = current.next_node
  return '-> '.join(nodes)

# running script
>>> l = LinkedList()
>>> l.add(1)
>>> l.add(2)
>>> l.add(3)
>>> l
[Head: 3]-> [2]-> [Tail: 1]  # output


// class LinkedList and its methods are presumed to exist

repr () {
  nodes = [];
  current = this.head;

  while (current) {
    if (current === this.head) {
      nodes = `Head: ${}-> `;
    } else if (current.nextNode === null) {
      nodes += `Tail: ${`;
    } else {
      nodes += `${}-> `;
    current = current.nextNode;
  return nodes;

// running the script
let l = LinkedList();

let result = l.repr();
console.log(result);  // Head: 3-> 2-> Tail: 1

Again, the two fragments will only run in a full implementation of the Linked List algorithm, but they do work.

Attempts I have made: I tried to use JS toString(), append() and appendChild(), but they were too difficult for me to understand how best to use them, particularly as the last two modify the DOM. I’m sure there is a better way of implementing a JS equivalent of the Python repr(); I would like to know how it might be done.

Thank you.