How to display radio button value on checked (not on clicked). *or pls guide me if there is better way for ecommerce product page*

I’m creating an ecommerce website and I’m having issue on the pricing of product page based on radio (product) button.

Issue 1 – the price is not displayed when the page is loaded
enter image description here

Issue 2 – the price displayed has lots of decimal point (I tried used number_format(“price”,2) but it couldn’t be displayed)
enter image description here

Below are the codes of the page


  window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
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  document.getElementById("container").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
    const tgtDiv =".swatch-element")
    if (tgtDiv) {
      const groupId = tgtDiv.querySelector("input[type=radio]");
      groups.forEach(aGroup => aGroup.classList.toggle("hide", groupId !==

    function check() {
        $("#swatch-1-9").prop("checked", true);
    function check2() {
        $("#swatch-1-6").prop("checked", true);
    function check3() {
        $("#swatch-1-4").prop("checked", true);
    function check4() {
        $("#swatch-1-1").prop("checked", true);

        function displayRadioValue() {
            var ele = document.getElementsByName('length');
            for(i = 0; i < ele.length; i++) {
                        = "RM " + ele[i].value*<?php echo $product['wesell'];?>
.swatch {
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.header { width:70px}
.hide { display: none; }

.swatch .header {
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.swatch input {
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.swatch label {
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} label {
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.swatch input:checked+label {
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.swatch .swatch-element .crossed-out {
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.swatch .swatch-element.soldout .crossed-out {
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.swatch .tooltip:before {
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.swatch .tooltip:after {
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  border-right: solid transparent 10px;
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  bottom: -10px;
  content: " ";
  height: 0;
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  position: absolute;
  width: 0;

.swatch .swatch-element:hover .tooltip {
  filter: alpha(opacity=100);
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  -moz-opacity: 1;
  opacity: 1;
  visibility: visible;
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  -moz-transform: translateY(0px);
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  -o-transform: translateY(0px);
  transform: translateY(0px);

.swatch.error {
  background-color: #E8D2D2!important;
  color: #333!important;
  padding: 1em;
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.swatch.error p {
  margin: 0.7em 0;

.swatch.error p:first-child {
  margin-top: 0;

.swatch.error p:last-child {
  margin-bottom: 0;

.swatch.error code {
  font-family: monospace;
<div class="swatch color clearfix" id="container" data-option-index="0">
  <div class="header">
  <div data-value="black" class="swatch-element color black available">
    <div class="tooltip">black</div>
    <input id="swatch-0-black" checked name="option-0" value="0.96" type="radio" data-group="group1" checked onclick="displayRadioValue()   ">
    <label for="swatch-0-black" style="background-color: black; background-image: url(./assets/images/black.png)"><img class="crossed-out" src="./assets/images/soldout.png" alt=""></label>
  <div data-value="red" class="swatch-element color red available">
    <div class="tooltip">
    <input id="swatch-0-red" name="option-0" value="1.34" type="radio" data-group="group2" onclick="check2(),displayRadioValue()">
    <label for="swatch-0-red" style="background-color: red; background-image: url(./assets/images/red.png)">
                        <img class="crossed-out" src="./assets/images/soldout.png" alt="">
  <div data-value="white" class="swatch-element color white available">
    <div class="tooltip">
    <input id="swatch-0-white" name="option-0" value="1.48" type="radio" data-group="group3" onclick="check3(),displayRadioValue()">
    <label for="swatch-0-white" style="background-color: white; background-image: url(./assets/images/white.png)">
                        <img class="crossed-out" src="./assets/images/soldout.png" alt="">
  <div data-value="blue" class="swatch-element color blue available">
    <div class="tooltip">
    <input id="swatch-0-blue" name="option-0" value="1.52" type="radio" data-group="group4" onclick="check4(),displayRadioValue()">
    <label for="swatch-0-blue" style="background-color: blue; background-image: url(./assets/images/blue.png)">
                        <img class="crossed-out" src="./assets/images/soldout.png" alt="">

<div class="swatch clearfix" data-option-index="1" id="group1">
  <div class="header">
  <div data-value="small" class="swatch-element small available">
    <input id="swatch-1-9" name="length" value="0.96" type="radio" id="group4a"  checked  onclick="displayRadioValue()">
    <label for="swatch-1-9">
                        0.96g <img class="crossed-out" src="./assets/images/soldout.png" alt="">


<div class="swatch clearfix hide" id="group2">
  <div class="header">
  <div data-value="small" class="swatch-element small available">
    <input id="swatch-1-6" name="length" value="1.34" type="radio"  onclick="displayRadioValue()">
    <label for="swatch-1-6">
  <div data-value="medium" class="swatch-element medium available">
    <input id="swatch-1-7" name="length" value="1.44" type="radio" id="group3b" onclick="displayRadioValue()">
    <label for="swatch-1-7">
  <div data-value="medium" class="swatch-element medium available">
    <input id="swatch-1-8" name="length" value="1.54" type="radio" id="group3c" onclick="displayRadioValue()">
    <label for="swatch-1-8">

<div class="swatch clearfix hide" id="group3">
  <div class="header">
  <div data-value="small" class="swatch-element small available">
    <input id="swatch-1-4" name="length" value="1.48" type="radio" onchange="displayRadioValue()">
    <label for="swatch-1-4">
  <div data-value="medium" class="swatch-element medium available">
    <input id="swatch-1-5" name="length" value="1.49" type="radio" id="group2b" onclick="displayRadioValue()">
    <label for="swatch-1-5">
                        1.49g <img class="crossed-out" src="./assets/images/soldout.png" alt="">

<div class="swatch clearfix hide" id="group4">
  <div class="header">
  <div data-value="small" class="swatch-element small available">
    <input id="swatch-1-1" name="length" value="1.52" type="radio"  onclick="displayRadioValue()">
    <label for="swatch-1-1">
  <div data-value="medium" class="swatch-element medium available">
    <input id="swatch-1-2" name="length" value="1.54" type="radio" onclick="displayRadioValue()">
    <label for="swatch-1-2">
  <div data-value="medium" class="swatch-element medium available">
    <input id="swatch-1-3" name="length" value="1.57" type="radio" onclick="displayRadioValue()">
    <label for="swatch-1-3">

    <div id="purchase-1293235843">
    <div class="detail-price" itemprop="price">
      <span class="price" id="price">
