asp:GridView allow Edit button, but remove Update and Cancel buttons

This one is pretty straightforward. The asp:GridView automatically adds an Edit hyperlink to the left of every column like this:

enter image description here

which is fine because I need that functionality anyways. However, I’ve made it so clicking the Edit hyperlink brings up a new panel that allows the user to edit more properties than are shown in the GridView, so I don’t want the Update and Cancel buttons to appear after clicking Edit.

enter image description here

Ive added the Edit functionality by implementing an event handler that Handles GridView.RowCommand when e.CommandName = “Edit”. I would like to just keep the Edit hyperlink there, or maybe programatically click Cancel, or really anything that will keep the Update and Cancel hyperlinks from showing when the user finishes working with the Edit panel. I’ve tried calling the event handler and sending in args with e.CommandName = “Cancel” but that didn’t work.

Another option I’m willing to explore is removing the Edit button entirely and making my event handler handle a different event, but I haven’t found any good resources for that either. Mostly it’s people trying to disable an Edit button that they’ve manually created on certain rows. I didn’t create this Edit hyperlink, though, and I can’t get it to go away.