Why is index always 23 when handleClick() is called. REACT

I am learning React by following concepts from the tic-tac-toe tutorial. I am trying to create an online course providing platform. I have a bunch of filter buttons, each indicating a topic for course, for example, “Applied Mathematics”. Since, there are a lot of filter buttons to display, I created an array of filter buttons, by populating them from a filter list array – which contains relevant data for each filter. This is the function that does this:

renderFilters() {
        this.filterButtonList = [];
        for (var index in this.filterList) {
            index = parseInt(index);
            var item = (
                    onClick={() => {
        return this.filterButtonList;

The filter list looks something like this:

this.filterList = [
            { text: "All Topics", param: "all-topics" },
            { text: "Algorithms and Data Structures", param: "#cat=engineering&subcat=computerscience&spec=algorithmsanddatastructures" },
            { text: "Artificial Intelligence", param: "#cat=engineering&subcat=computerscience&spec=artificialintelligence" },
            { text: "Computer Design and Engineering", param: "#cat=engineering&subcat=computerscience&spec=computerdesignandengineering" },
            { text: "Computer Networks", param: "#cat=engineering&subcat=computerscience&spec=computernetworks" },
            { text: "Cryptography", param: "#cat=engineering&subcat=computerscience&spec=cryptography" },
            { text: "Data Mining", param: "#cat=engineering&subcat=computerscience&spec=datamining" },
            { text: "Graphics and Visualization", param: "#cat=engineering&subcat=computerscience&spec=graphicsandvisualization" },
            { text: "Human-Computer Interfaces", param: "#cat=engineering&subcat=computerscience&spec=humancomputerinterfaces" },
            { text: "Operating Systems", param: "#cat=engineering&subcat=computerscience&spec=operatingsystems" },
            { text: "Programming Languages", param: "#cat=engineering&subcat=computerscience&spec=programminglanguages" },
            { text: "Software Design and Engineering", param: "#cat=engineering&subcat=computerscience&spec=softwaredesignandengineering" },
            { text: "Theory of Computation", param: "#cat=engineering&subcat=computerscience&spec=theoryofcomputation" },
            { text: "Algebra and Number Theory", param: "#cat=mathematics&subcat=algebraandnumbertheory" },
            { text: "Applied Mathematics", param: "#cat=mathematics&subcat=appliedmathematics" },
            { text: "Calculus", param: "#cat=mathematics&subcat=calculus" },
            { text: "Computation", param: "#cat=mathematics&subcat=computation" },
            { text: "Differential Equations", param: "#cat=mathematics&subcat=differentialequations" },
            { text: "Discrete Mathematics", param: "#cat=mathematics&subcat=discretemathematics" },
            { text: "Linear Algebra", param: "#cat=mathematics&subcat=linearalgebra" },
            { text: "Mathematical Analysis", param: "#cat=mathematics&subcat=mathematicalanalysis" },
            { text: "Mathematical Logic", param: "#cat=mathematics&subcat=mathematicallogic" },
            { text: "Probability and Statistics", param: "#cat=mathematics&subcat=probabilityandstatistics" },
            { text: "Topology and Geometry", param: "#cat=mathematics&subcat=topologyandgeometry" },

And, the implementation for the <FilterButton> is this:

class FilterButton extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
                className={this.props.isActive === "true" ? "filters-button active" : "filters-button"}
                onClick={() => {

The implementation for handleClick(i) is this:

handleClick(i) {
    #Nothing fancy, just trying to display the value of the passed index.

However, clicking on any of the buttons only prints “23”, rather than printing the index of the button clicked – for example, if I click on “All Topics” button – which has a index of “0” in this filter list, it should print “0”, not “23”. The same is true, if instead of index I passed something like this.filterList[index].text to display the button text – in which case, if I click on something like “Applied Mathematics” button or “Linear Algebra” button, it only prints “Topology and Geometry” (which is the value from last row of filter list). What am I doing wrong?