Different results by using destructuring – Javascript [duplicate]

I understand that these two calls should return the same value. I think the assignment I made is wrong but I don’t see how to do it right.

info2 () returns the correct value while info () does not.

Client.prototype.info2 = function () {
    return (this.AccountType())
Client.prototype.info = function () {
    const {AccountType} = this
    return (AccountType())

——- All code ——-

function Client(name, balance) {
    this.name = name;
    this.balance = balance;

Client.prototype.AccountType = function () {
    const {balance} = this
    let type;

    if (balance >= 10000) {
        type = 'Platinum'
    } else if (balance >= 5000) {
        type = 'Gold'
    } else {
        type = 'Standard'
    return type;

//Expected result: 'Gold'
// Result: 'Gold'

Client.prototype.info = function () {
    const {AccountType} = this
    return (AccountType())
//Expected result: 'Gold'
// Result: 'Standard'

Client.prototype.info2 = function () {
    return (this.AccountType())
//Expected result: 'Gold'
// Result: 'Gold'


const Pedro = new Client('Pedro', 8000)