How to query/update a self-relation in Prisma?

I have some self-relation tables taken directly from one of Prisma’s examples.

model User {
  id         Int       @id @default(autoincrement())
  name       String?
  followedBy Follows[] @relation("follower")
  following  Follows[] @relation("following")

model Follows {
  follower    User @relation("follower", fields: [followerId], references: [id])
  followerId  Int
  following   User @relation("following", fields: [followingId], references: [id])
  followingId Int

  @@id([followerId, followingId])

I am wondering on the best/most idiomatic way to determine whether a user is following another user, as well as operations for following and unfollowing. I’m thinking the best way is to just query/update the Follows table directly, but I’m unsure whether the followedBy and following fields in the User model will automatically update themselves.