send email with attachments from google sheets

I am new to codes. I created this code to send an email with attachments but it’s not working.

We get the URL through “var ppt” that is from a google sheets cell and I tried to transform in a URL inside javascript in the “var file” and send via “attachments: [file]” in the “MailApp.sendEmail”.


function kickoff1() {
//Declarando as variáveis
  var planilha = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var aba_sanidade = planilha.getSheetByName("Envios");
  var ppt = aba_sanidade.getRange("F4").getValues();
  var file = DriveApp.getFilesByType(ppt);

  //Iniciando e-mail
  var assunto = 'Kickoff - Parte 1'
  var corpo = "Oi, pessoal! :)" 
  var emails = "email"
    to: emails,
    subject: assunto,
    htmlBody: corpo,
    attachments: [file]});