Filtering in Object values is not working

I need to filter objects in the array by their value. The value comes from the input (

const people = [
      { firstName: "John", lastName: "Lu", age: 50, eyeColor: "green" },
      { firstName: "Mary", lastName: "Smith", age: 70, eyeColor: "blue" },
      { firstName: "Nick", lastName: "Joy", age: 45, eyeColor: "green" },
      { firstName: "Ann", lastName: "Smith", age: 10, eyeColor: "brown" },

I need to check every value in the array. If the user writes lu, the result should be (lu in blue and Lu in the lastName)

I use indexOf but get empty array.

const inputData =;
const newResult = people.filter((obj) => Object.values(obj).indexOf(inputData !== -1));

Could you please help me. I looked through many issues but can’t solve my problem.