Restart button using html & js

How do you add a restart button on this game so that every time user click on the button it restart the game. Tried few ways to do it but i think i am dumb lol, just cant figure it out.
Anyone knows how to do that ?

How do you add a restart button on this game so that every time user click on the button it restart the game. Tried few ways to do it but i think i am dumb lol, just cant figure it out.
Anyone knows how to do that ?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Rock Paper Scissors Tutorial</title>

    <h2>Computer Choice: <span id="computer-choice"></span></h2>
    <h2>Your Choice: <span id="user-choice"></span></h2>
    <h2>Result: <span id="result"></span></h2>

    <button id="rock">rock</button>
    <button id="paper">paper</button>
    <button id="scissors">scissors</button>
    <div class="restart">Re-Start</div>

    <script src="app.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
js file
const computerChoiceDisplay = document.getElementById('computer-choice')
const userChoiceDisplay = document.getElementById('user-choice')
const resultDisplay = document.getElementById('result')
const possibleChoices = document.querySelectorAll('button')
let userChoice
let computerChoice
let result

possibleChoices.forEach(possibleChoice => possibleChoice.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
  userChoice =
  userChoiceDisplay.innerHTML = userChoice

function generateComputerChoice() {
  const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1 // or you can use possibleChoices.length
  if (randomNumber === 1) {
    computerChoice = 'rock'
  if (randomNumber === 2) {
    computerChoice = 'scissors'
  if (randomNumber === 3) {
    computerChoice = 'paper'
  computerChoiceDisplay.innerHTML = computerChoice

function getResult() {
  if (computerChoice === userChoice) {
    result = 'its a draw!'
  if (computerChoice === 'rock' && userChoice === "paper") {
    result = 'you win!'
  if (computerChoice === 'rock' && userChoice === "scissors") {
    result = 'you lost!'
  if (computerChoice === 'paper' && userChoice === "scissors") {
    result = 'you win!'
  if (computerChoice === 'paper' && userChoice === "rock") {
    result = 'you lose!'
  if (computerChoice === 'scissors' && userChoice === "rock") {
    result = 'you win!'
  if (computerChoice === 'scissors' && userChoice === "paper") {
    result = 'you lose!'
  resultDisplay.innerHTML = result

document.getElementById("reset").onclick = function() {
  document.getElementById("number").innerHTML = "";