How to use datalist option mapping with the form submit button?

Im using React, Postgres, Node, Express

I have a datalist with an input box, when one of the options from the datalist is selected I need to fire of an event. My problem I believe is I used mappings to map my datalist options, but the button which submits the form is not mapped.

const DataList1 = ({getSupplierContacts2}) => {

    const [suppliers, setSuppliers] = useState([]);

    //Search query for list of supplier names and their ids

    const getSuppliers = async () => {
        try {
            const response = await fetch("http://localhost:5000/supplier");
            const jsonData = await response.json();            


        } catch (err) {

    useEffect(() => {
    }, []);

    return <Fragment>
            <label htmlFor="SupplierDatalistInput">Select Supplier</label>
            <input list="SupplierDatalist" name="SupplierDatalistInput" id="SupplierDatalistInput" onSelect={()=> getSupplierContacts2(supplier.supplier_name)}/>
            <datalist id="SupplierDatalist">
                { => (
                    <option key={supplier.supplier_id} value={supplier.supplier_name} />
            <input type="submit">

And here is the method which I need to fire of on a datalist option selection:

const getSupplierContacts2 = async (supplier_name) => {
        try {
            const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:5000/contact_supplier/${supplier_name}`);
            const jsonData = await response.json();


        } catch (err) {

Also the route:

//Get entries from contact table from selected supplier name
app.get("/contact_supplier2/:id", async (req, res) => {
    try {

        const {name} = req.params;
        //const contact = await pool.query('SELECT * FROM supplier_contacts WHERE supplier_id = $1 ORDER BY scontact_id ASC', [id]);
        const contact = await pool.query(
            `SELECT suppliers.supplier_name, supplier_contacts.scontact_name, supplier_contacts.scontact_title
            FROM suppliers 
            LEFT JOIN supplier_contacts ON supplier_contacts.supplier_id = suppliers.supplier_id
            WHERE suppliers.supplier_name = $1
            ORDER BY scontact_id ASC;`, [name]);

    } catch (err) {

To clarify, the datalist and route work as expected, however I get an error

'supplier' is not defined

So my understanding is I need to include the submit button in the mapping, however all I succeeded in doing is for every datalist option I added a submit button. So having a bunch of submit buttons stacked beside each other is not what I want, help much appreciated!