File System Access API + WebWorker + Recording Webm video and audio sample

Is there a sample that can encode a ReadableStream transferred to a worker into a webm format with audio and stream it to the file system using the new File System Acccess API? I was able to use one of the samples which has a modified webm-writer2.js file and achieve everything video related on a worker, but I am stuck on finding an encoder and muxer that can do both audio and video streams in the worker using the new WebCodecs API.

This example has a workaround for audio, but it relies on AudioContext which can only be used on the main thread. This can become problematic and cause interruptions on the main loop as it needs to constantly read chunks from an event.

My goal is to record a video/audio stream, transfer the MediaStream entirely off the main thread for processing and stream, mux it all into a single webm container, and save it to the file system without any memory limits. Does anyone have a working solution that can build off that sample and include audio?

Here’s some references:

webm-writer2.js (video only so far)

Audio encoding problem?

Transferring media stream to worker via track processor