Vue.js – why is my debounce function not working with arrow function

Here is my debounce function:

function debounce(fn, wait = 1500) {
  let timeout;
  return function (...args) {
    if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
    let context = this;
    timeout = setTimeout(function () {
      fn.apply(context, ...args);
    }, wait);

Here is my method in the component:

methods: {
    onKeyUp() {
      if(this.q.length) this.isLoading = true; // show loading spinner
      return debounce(() => this.querySearch())()

So I have to execute the debounce call with an extra set of () which makes sense, because debounce returns a function. Now, if I change it to this:

methods: {
    onKeyUp: debounce(function() { 

I don’t understand why this works – debounce returns a function. I would expect when onKeyUp is triggered, it would run debounce – which just returns a function, without ever executing it. Does it implicitly execute the returned function with this syntax? Why?

Also, why does it need to be a non-arrow function in the second example? I know in the first example you want an arrow fn because you want this to point to the component context, but im unclear why using this key-value syntax breaks that down here.