How can I replace a call argument of a function with Sinon?

I am using sinon to make my tests, and I faced a problem that I can’t find a proper solution

lets say, for simplicity, that I want, when I call console.log(),that the proper console.log receives the argument that I want in my test.

I have tryied:

Sinon.replace( console, 'log', () => console.log('mytestparam'))

Sinon.stub( console, 'log').callsFake( console.log('mytestparam'))

But it creates some kind of circular dependency that crashes

I cant simply make a full stub of the function, because it contains code that I want to run, I only want to replace the argument used for the call.

I have researched the sinon docs but I can’t find any function that allows to call the original function changing the args

Any idea?