Dividing an Input field value in React

I have been trying to calculate an input field value, It is a blockchain project. I want the users to input a certain value or worth of a coin they want to purchase and the system to automatically calculate the amount in Ethereum. For Example when a user input 50000, the system should divide the amount by 10000 and the user will pay 5 Eth.

const handleSubmit = (e) => {
  const { addressTo, amount, message } = formData;


  if ( !amount || !message) return;   


<Input placeholder="Address To" name="addressTo" type="hidden" handleChange={handleChange} />
<Input placeholder="Amount (Coin)" name="amount"  type="number" handleChange={handleChange} />
<Input placeholder="Enter Description" name="message" type="text" handleChange={handleChange} />

await ethereum.request({
  method: "eth_sendTransaction",
  params: [{
    from: currentAccount,
    to: addressTo,
    gas: "0x5208",
    value: parsedAmount._hex,