SOAP Request with WSSE-Header in Javascript

I have the following code to execute a SOAP request with an wsse header but it seems not to work. I get a error response but I am not able to get the fault/error out of the response.

Does the below code look correct or do I miss something?

var request = "<soapenv:Envelope" +
    "xmlns:dlg='http://dlg123Lib'" +
    "xmlns:soapenv=''>" +
    "<soapenv:Header>" +
        "<wsse:Security" +
            "xmlns:wsse=''" +
            "xmlns:wsu=''>" +
            "<wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id='UsernameToken-BF09AFF37A2C36D4AB164000000000000000'>" +
                "<wsse:Username>BLABLABLA</wsse:Username>" +
                "<wsse:Password Type=''>BLABLABLA</wsse:Password>" +
            "</wsse:UsernameToken>" +
        "</wsse:Security>" +
    "</soapenv:Header>" +
    "<soapenv:Body>" +
        "<dlg:getData>" +
            "<name>AB</name>" +
        "</dlg:getData>" +
    "</soapenv:Body>" +

        url: 'https://endpoint_url/dlg/data',
        type: "POST",
        data: request,
        dataType: "xml",
        contentType: "text/xml; charset='utf-8'",
        success: function (soapResponse) {
        error: function (soapResponse) {

thank you for any hint!