Search accordion content for ID and open

I am using a basic accordion plugin where each item is added as a separate Gutenberg Block. The plugin does not allow me to add an ID to each block, only a class. When I try to add an ID within the Gutenberg code it returns the error ‘this block contains invalid content’- it’s also impractical for the clent.

While I don’t have control over the plugins ability to facilitate ID’s, the content in each panel is made up of ACF blocks where I can add ID’s.

I need to link to each panel from anchor links but this does not currently work as the ID’s reside within the collapsed accordion and so nothing happens.

Is there a way to search hidden content for a ID’s and then open its parent accordion panel?

This is how the accordion is structured by the plugin with an ACF map section as the content as an example

<div class=".aab__accordion_container">
   <div class=".aab__accordion_head">
      <div class=".aab__accordion_heading .aab_right_icon">
        <h4>the heading</h4>
   <div class=".aab__accordion_body">
      <section id="map-section">

An active accordion gets the class


added to


This switches between aria exanded: true or false on the accordion body and the CSS is:

.wp-block-aab-accordion-block .aab__accordion_body {
    display: block !important;
    position: absolute !important;
    top: -9999px !important;
    left: -9999px !important;

.wp-block-aab-accordion-block .aab__accordion_body.aab__accordion_body--show {
    position: relative !important;
    top: 0 !important;
    left: 0 !important;

I switched it to this css from the original ‘display none/block’ for screen readers and in hopes it would make the task easier but the page still just re-loads at the top with no effect.

To complicate things even more, these accordion panels also reside inside a Gutenberg group

The URL is here

Thanks in advance