fail to embed tableau worksheet into vue compoenent?

I am trying to embed tableau worksheets into my webpage,
I’m using laravel and VueJs, however in the backend I managed to sign in successfully into tableau through Laravel, but when trying to show worksheet it returns tableau refused to connect,

my code looks like this:

first included JavaScript API in app.

<script src="https://my_server_name/javascripts/api/tableau-2.8.0.min.js.min.js"></script>

and installed vue-tableau using

npm i vue-tableau

Tableau vue component:

    :url="url" /// https://my_server_name/#/site/site_name/views/workbook_name/view_name 

export default {
  name: "TableauWorkbookShow",
  props: {
    url: {
      type: String, 
      required: true,

what am I missing here ?