typo3 – search bar and radio button filter doesn’t work together

I’m a new user a typo3 and I created an extension for searching shops and to show them in a map, my search system in work with a radio button filter and a search bar.

My issue is my radio buttons and my search bar are working only alone, for example when I write something and I didn’t click on a filter, or when I click on a filter and I didn’t write anything.

when I use them together they don’t work, I don’t have results, I don’t know why

there is some code :

controller :

    public function listAction()
        $get = GeneralUtility::_GET();
        $results = $this->to32wContentRepository->sortByTypeTitle(
            $get['tx_import_search']['redirect']['formMap'] ?? null,
            $get['tx_import_search']['redirect']['search'] ?? null

        $this->view->assign('formMap', $get['tx_import_search']['redirect']['formMap']);
        $this->view->assign('search', $get['tx_import_search']['redirect']['search']);
        $this->view->assign('results', $results);

repository :

    public function sortByTypeTitle($type, $title)
        $query = $this->createQuery();
            'title' => QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING

        $mission = new To32wContent();

        if ($type != NULL && $title != NULL) {
            $oR = $query->logicalOr($query->like('title', '%'.$mission->getDisplayType(). '%'), $query->like('title', '%' . $title. '%'));
            $query->matching($query->logicalAnd($oR, $query->like('structure_cp', '%'.$title.'%')));
        } else if ($type != NULL && $title == NULL) {
            $query->matching($query->like('title', '%'.$mission->getDisplayType(). '%'));
        } else if ($title != NULL && $type == NULL) {
            $query->matching($query->logicalOr($query->like('structure_cp', '%'.$title.'%'), $query->like('title', '%' . $title. '%')));
        return $query->execute();

someone have an idea to how can I solve my issue please?